Join or support the children to celebrate creativity, diversity, and unity.


The WCF provides students with a transformative experience that infuses personal creativity with mutual empathy to inspire them to become “creative empaths.”

Empathy development is not an easy task; it could be the hardest on occasion. Unlike learning something new, which is a biological activity that causes neurons to create new connections, empathy development must begin with unlearning inherited bigotry, discarding inculcated prejudices, and overcoming adverse childhood experiences for the activation of mirror neurons responsible for empathy.

In a setting of global community, the World Children’s Festival provides a transformative experience that infuses a person’s creativity with mutual empathy, inspiring them to become “creative empaths.”

In the WCF’s setting of a global community, we adopt a phased empathy development approach. The three-day WCF begins with the highlighting of interests that children share (Health & Environment Day). The second festival day focuses on enhancing children’s creative potential and imagining the unimaginable (Creativity & Imagination Day). On the final day, leadership and empathy training and collaborative mural-making can infuse personal creativity with mutual empathy, motivating participants to become creative empaths—an essential building block for a more peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future (Peace & Leadership Day).

The WCF is a transformative experience that infuses personal creativity with mutual empathy so we can:        

  • Remediate adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), a root cause of nonsocial behavior, through a powerfully positive experience that blends art with empathy and leadership training.
  • Disrupt the transgenerational transmission of trauma and hatred that pits one group against another, this being achieved through co-creation and collaborative mural-making in an exemplary global community setting.
  • Empower children through their ownership of the WCF, which they emcee and where they can showcase their talents and creativity, and host workshops and activities for peer learning.
  • Foster critical, creative, and design thinking by engaging children in a nonpareil project; for example, at the 7th WCF they will co-imagine and co-create “Children’s Earth Flag” for NASA’s first human mission to Mars.
  • Inspire children to become creative-empaths, working together for a more peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future.

The WCF paves the way for children to transform our wounded world into a wondrous one.

Invest in the future with your tax-deductible donation today.

The WCF is free and open to the public from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. The U.S. Park Police requirements about public health and safety can result in crowd control. You must register to attend the WCF, participate in free workshops and educational activities, and enjoy the electrifying performances.